
Designed to align, enable and optimise

Good collaboration tools are essential to the adoption of modern DevOps processes for development, giving businesses of all sizes the power to track and share everything for the purposes of constant iteration and improvement.

Atlassian are second-to-none for delivering the right environment for productivity, allowing teams to work smarter and more effectively together, co-creating with a single shared vision.

Collaborate, Build & Deploy

Time based

Our Atlassian experts are passionate about bringing teams together using the right tools at the right time; our services levels are tailored to suit your needs.

// training / consulting / agile teams

Remote & Secure

We can assist you with all Atlassian products and depending on your choice of SmarterCompute, we can help your teams be the best they can be.

// maintain / assist / deploy / devops


As an Atlassian Platinum Partner our teams have the ability to respond to your queries and provide ongoing support for your teams.

// maintain / assist / deploy

Cost effective

Our team of sales consultants are able to manage all your licensing requirements from quotes, to advising you on the best options available.

// licensing / support / renewals

Designed by Obsidian Systems

We are passionate about building communities and generating interactive dialogue both technically and strategically with our #SmarterCommunities.

Want to learn more?
Community Opportunities

If you would like to be a part of the team and contribute to changing the landscape of IT in South Africa contact our Marketing Team.

Grow our family
Marketing Opportunities

We are growing our knowledge base to assist you and ensure that you are ahead of the pack and are able to turn your challenges into solutions.

Best Practices
Understanding Trends